
  • Medicine wheel student

    Become a sacred mesa carrier, Learn to work with the elements, Spirits. Foster a deeper connection with yourself to the world around you and all that inhabit it.
    Become a better person.

  • Mestizo Icaro Course

    I am offering an intense 8-week course designed to teach you the profound art of icaro work. This course includes personalized icaros tailored specifically to your needs, in languages such as English, Spanish, Quechua, and Norwegian.

  • Shamanic Life Coaching

    Blending shamanic practices, teachings, and wisdom acquired over the majority of my adult life, along with insights from various forms of shamanism and my life coaching diploma, I offer a comprehensive approach. This approach delivers life-changing results for individuals, whether they are spiritually inclined or not.

  • Incantation Icaro's

    Unique Incantation Icaro healing session for physical, mental, and emotional problems.
    Listen to me weave the songs of ayahuasca deep into your body. Allow her to calm your nervous system and regenerate cells.

  • Cacao Ceremony

    Allow yourself to fully open your heart, to soften into love, and to be embraced not only by Naoki but also by our handpicked ceremonial grade Cacao from Ecuador. This Cacao radiates love, reciprocity, and gratitude, enveloping you in its warmth and energy.

  • Mesa Healing

    Working with the mesa, I aim to help restore balance in nature and honor Mother Earth. The work includes delving into past lives, soul retrieval, illumination healing, cord cutting, and much more.

  • The Brotherhood

    The Brotherhood is a collective of men dedicated to personal growth and becoming the best versions of themselves. Through rites of passage, retreats, and ceremonies, we embark on a journey of self-discovery and transformation.

  • Mapacho Healing

    Harvested by indigenous shamans in the Amazon rainforest, is a potent conduit of spiritual and physical rejuvenation. With its earthy aroma and ancient wisdom, Mapacho cleanses the body and soul, unlocking hidden energies and dispelling negativity. Approach with reverence, for this sacred tobacco demands respect and offers profound healing to those who seek its transformative powers.