Mapacho Tobacco Blessing

The powerful healing, blessing and icaro’s of Mapacho tobacco, where I, your dedicated guide and healer, lead you on a life changing journey with a the powerful plant medicine!

Body Cleansing and Preparation:
With care, I cleanse and prepare your body, creating a receptive vessel for the ancient wisdom of Mapacho.

Mapacho Smoking Ritual:
Together, we embrace the ritual of smoking Mapacho, intertwining your intentions with the ethereal smoke, as it carries your prayers through the jungle.

Healing Work and Mapacho Icaros:
Through physical healing techniques with the chakapa and the mesmerizing melodies of Mapacho icaros, I channel the potent energies of the Amazonian medicine plant, invoking profound awakening, healing & physical rejuvenation.

Mapacho Sopla:
Experience the gentle purification and blessing of Mapacho sopla, as I gently blow Mapacho smoke to clear blockages and restore balance.

Mapacho Prayer:
With reverence and gratitude, I recite Mapacho prayers, invoking the guidance and protection of mapacho and the ancient spirit doctors.