

I reached out to Naoki on social media after seeing his posts about Shamanism and Spirituality that really caught my eye.

I've always been interested in spirituality, owning a few crystals over the years and having reiki sessions but I never had the confidence to ignore what others may think and discover this different world.

It was something about Naoki’s unique take on spirituality & Shamanism that gave me that confidence and really captured my interest.

I have had many healings from Naoki, including guided meditations, Traditional Qero Chacapa Healings, Rapé & Sananga Ceremonies, Entity Extractions, Past Life Healing & Cacao Ceremonies.

Amongst these different healings and ceremonies, Naoki also mentored me along through my spiritual journey. As difficult feelings or emotions came up for me during this time, Naoki was able to offer his support and advice on how best to feel and release the trauma that was resurfacing during the healing process.

Naoki’s work brings about feelings and emotions from deep within your psyche through meditation, healings, Ancient Traditional Plant Medicines and talking therapy. I found that as this trauma was brought up, felt and discussed, Naoki was able to help me release those negative emotions to make room for positive change.

Through a single Sananga ceremony, my eyesight improved that much that I have not had to wear glasses since and this was almost a year ago now!

I also use Naoki’s Cacao every morning which I have found to be incredible for my wellbeing and positivity throughout the day.

Before I met Naoki, I was happy in my life but found myself escaping from trauma and problems in my life whilst also seeking what life was truly about.

A year on, I feel deeply connected to our planet and the energy and spirits that inhabit it. My consciousness has been expanded greatly and my spiritual growth has brought me to a point where I can be in the present moment and be truly happy.

Thank you for your help, Naoki. It has honestly changed my entire perspective on life.

Much Love,

Keith x

— Keith Fletcher


“Naoki has played a crucial role in helping me find a path that I want to be on.
He is an incredibly kind, welcoming and a wholesome person whose main priority is helping you heal your wounds & to live as authentically as you can.

If I hadn't discovered him I would still be very lost in life… meeting him was the first domino to fall.

Since that my life has improved exponentially!

I've never met someone so eager to spread the wisdom they have obtained and continue to help others blossom in the same way he has.
His work is very powerful, his ceremonies are incredible and most importantly he has a genuine passion for helping others he is a truly wise and remarkable soul, with a strong heart with whom you can comfortably put your trust.

I would recommend him to anyone wanting to grow and improve their life.”

- Sam Scott


I've known Naoki for a few years now and I've always been interested in his spiritual journey and how open he's been about it.
I've always "suffered" from some level of anxiety, although I prefer to describe myself as someone who has anxious episodes rather than someone who has anxiety.

The management of it can be very exhausting sometimes however and absolutely draws energy away from the things I'd prefer to be focusing 1 on and redirects it towards often negative behaviour patterns for me.

However I've never found that the more mainstream solutions such as therapy and medication have helped and in some cases even made me feel far worse.

For months now I've been speaking with Naoki about working with him I on some shamanic healing/energy cleansing.

I've booked in, cancelled, booked in again and cancelled again and not once was I ever made to feel uncomfortable doing so, or made to feel uncomfortable doing so, or pressured to honour any commitment made.

Instead Naoki simply explained to me that when the time is right, I'll feel comfortable to see him.

A couple of weeks ago, I went for my first session, I was obviously a little apprehensive, for all I'm definitely open minded spiritually and feel somewhat spiritual myself, I've never shared that with anyone else in this format.

After chatting about how the healing would go….. what to expect, how I may feel, that nothing would ever be discussed outside of that room etc I felt very at ease.

We drank cacao (I hope that's spelled correctly), and began the healing.
It's pretty difficult to explain the processes myself as a lot of it felt very much like a guided meditation. I was very aware of what was going on, but at the same time extremely relaxed.

A few things came to me during the healing, things I couldn't fully explain myself but with Naoki’s help explain myself but with Naoki’s help definitely feel I got a lot of truthful and relevant answers as to what has been causing some of my unease.

Naoki explained that everything I'd learned in the session l already knew (which deep down I believe he was right), he was just there to facilitate my realisation of those things.

Since the healing, I can absolutely say I've been feeling better, I'm making decisions more consciously based upon the work we have done and as a result I'm taking far more control back of myself rather than living subconsciously and reactively.

I have a fire ceremony booked with Naoki very soon and will continue to work closely with him!

Could not recommend more highly

for those with an open mind

Thank you Naoki.”

- Ryan Needham


“Naoki recently asked for case studies for incantation healing with new icaro’s he has written. I put my name forward and was chosen after being asked for a 2- part question share. 

I was asked what I would like more of in my life and what I would like less of. My answer involved letting go of my anxiety which has been affecting my new journey into motherhood. I have been receiving shamanic healing for some time. 

Shamanic healing changed my life and had a profound positive affect on my mental health. After a few short months, I was able to completely come off of my anxiety medication; with newfound confidence; until I got pregnant and gave birth. Pregnancy sent my anxiety skyrocketing with the loss of control and fear of giving birth to a healthy child. I have had quite a traumatic birth and start to motherhood. In a few short weeks, my anxiety has got so bad, I’ve been having heart-palpitations, lots of tears, self-doubt and struggling to manage. 

I explained I would like, less self-doubt, less anxiety and be able to cope with being a new mum. I would also like more sleep but that’s not easy with a newborn child. Less guilt would also be a positive. 

Naoki shortly got in contact and said he would like for us to work together and receive his healing. 

I have drunk ayahuasca before, therefore the mother plant still lies in my matrix, enabling be to surrender deeper to Naoki’s incantation.

The healing session was arranged for a few short days after the initial contact, via zoom as I was unable to travel to Dover with a newborn child. My partner agreed to watch our child, giving me uninterrupted time with Naoki.  I was excited and felt honoured to be chosen from several people who put their names forward. The only niggle I had was I was dubious of receiving healing via zoom. 

This is mostly because, all my healings have been 1:1 in person, so I have been able to directly feel the energy. I was worried the technology would block any channels being unblocked or that internet may fail. But I went in with an open heart and an open mind. As always. 

We begun the session with Naoki explaining what to expect, that the incantation healing was different to healing I have received in the past, I would listen to him sing for up-to 45 minutes and may feel the medicine he channels flow through me. I laid down on my bed with my laptop open with Naoki on zoom and started with hypnotic talk down/meditation, focusing on my breath into a deep relaxation. He then began to sing. I surrendered with ease and went into a deeply relaxed state. I felt as if I left my body and by the time the healing session came to a close, it felt as if only 5 minutes had passed. 

During the session, I heard different notes Naoki hit with his voice and he channeled a more feminine energy, for me being a new mother. I saw my daughter, who is newborn when she was a young girl, running, laughing and playing with me. I was able to see how happy she was and at ease and how beautiful she would be. With big blue eyes and sandy brown curly hair. I was also gifted with the vision of a second child; a boy. I felt my anxiety melt away. 

There were some occasions during the session I could hear my subconscious return and think about what I was having for tea, but I didn’t pay too much attention to it and re-focused on the singing. 

During the week after my healing, I felt my confidence grow and my anxiety disappear. I no longer have the knot feeling in my stomach and can focus on the future, which is exactly what I asked for in my 2-part question share. 

I thank you and thoroughly recommend Noaki’s services. He has a presence and energy that instantly makes you feel at ease and want to share with him. ”

- Chloe Angliss


“Firstly, Naoki cleansed my body with Agua de Florida and asked me to choose between the final two stones. He then made me comfortable on his treatment bed before opening space.

 Naoki told me that the stone I had chosen corresponded to the Past Life of Best Use of Power.

 I was then taken on a guided meditation, starting with breath work and ensured I was in an open meditative state before we delved in.

 I was taken back on to the past life journey that starts in a field full of long grass, leading to a path into a forest. Here I met the black Jaguar again which guided me down another path to a mirrored lake.

At each point, Naoki asked me to let him know when I was at the place before continuing.

 I was drawn into the lake by the face of an old Native American woman before I jumped into the past life.


In this life, I was an Apache Indian Chief protecting my people from the devastation of white invaders.

 In that place I felt strong, proud and very powerful.

 For a long time I was successfully able to protect my people and was seen as a feared Chief by the invading people.

Towards the end of my life, I was eventually captured and used as a means to break the morale of my people to ensure they were forced to surrender. This made me feel scared, trapped and powerless.


I was brought back from this past life and was back by the mirrored lake again. However, the Old Apache woman drew me back in.

The second time around, I became at peace with being captured and managed to shed the feelings of fear, powerlessness and being trapped.


Naoki brought me back to the mirrored lake and cut the ties to this past life.

He then sang me some Shamanic songs and cleansed my energy.

I journeyed back through the forest, to the grass field and then returned to my physical body.

I then discussed the experience with Naoki that helped me connect the feelings in that past life to those I have in this life.

 Through this, I realised that I shared the strong desire to help and protect others but have to accept that I cannot help everyone. The only person I can always rely on helping is myself.”

- Peter Buckley


“I have known Naoki since the beginning of the year and I instantly knew he was open-minded, kindhearted and someone to make you feel at ease.
Getting to know him more we shared an interest in spirituality and listening to each other's practices of self work.

I became very interested in learning more about shamanism; which Naoki had enlightened me about. I knew that I would eventually have a shamanic healing and I knew Naoki would be the right person to hold the healing for me.

When the day came it was what I imagined and more. I felt each muscle relax, leading to my entire body relaxing it was only the mind in the moment which I feel incredibly hard to do.
I was not thinking about my physical self, I was left with pure gratitude and love for everything I had experienced leading up to that very moment.

The only muscles being used were the ones to hold a smile on my face. I felt so at peace, so comfortable and you can tell Naoki plus every bit of passion into his work.

Since the healing I'll continue to feel even more comfortable with me on skin while remembering to be present with being in the moment and feeling the gratitude of love I felt during the healing thank you Naoki.”

- Erin Larkin


“I have only met Naoki recently, he facilitated a one-to-one healing session which was honestly truly life changing.

Although I was very nervous at first he gently health space for me with kindness and compassion, helping me feel safe to face my shadows and journey during an hour of healing.

Whilst I felt the power of the icaros in my shaking body he was there to ground me and support me.

It was a very powerful and empowering experience that I've never felt before.
At the end it took me on a short guided meditation to integrate the messages I got.

This fill me with love and joy, thank you so much Naoki for sharing your gift and I hope we meet again soon, best wishes always Evangeline”

- Evangeline Sweeney


“I first experienced Naoki’s healings after I had been through a traumatic experience with a male.

Naoki supported me through the process and health space for me in such a grounded, present and magical way.
I know that Naoki has been a huge part in me feeling safer and males again and not fully closing off to the world.

He has been a support in me discovering my worth and finding safety with my own self and in another male.

During Naoki’s healings I felt a strong Viking/Norse presence and a strong ancestral power come through. Naoki has space in such a gentle way where you feel accepted but also in a very strong no bullshit way too.

I adore Naoki’s medicine having my space held by him is always magical.”

- Rebbekkah Pheo


“Had a healing off Naoki, not going to lie went in totally sceptical and did it as he is a friend and I trust him with my life.

Can honestly say that this was the beginning of my transformation. I suffer from anxiety and was becoming mentally unwell, which was one of the reasons I went to him, can honestly say that this changed me.
I had an amazing experience and saw a definite improvement to my mental health which I can only credit Naoki for.

I'm hoping to go back for a second one in the next month or so as I want to see what happens next.

Thank you Naoki”

- Amanda Wise


“Wow, Naoki is one of the best human beings I have ever met. His skills and experience being gained from peruvian shamans – he is living proof of the magic power of shamanic healing. Whatever your problem or need Naoki will have the solution to help you live your best life thank you Naoki”

- Mike Burton