What is cacao?

Cacao is 100% Raw chocolate.

Where does it come from?

The cacao I use during ceremony and healing work is 100% artisan and ceremonial grade. When I say artisan and ceremonial grade, I mean it originates from wild heirloom trees. Each cacao pod is handpicked and carefully selected by local native Ecuadorian people.

All of our cacao comes from a remote region of Ecuador called Manabí. For those unfamiliar with Manabí, the trees in this area are unique and fall under the category of 'Arriba Nacional', as explained by my teacher.
They represent the most rare variety of cacao, globally renowned for their uniqueness, taste, depth, and lasting effects.
All our cacao is sourced from my Ecuadorian cacao sorceress, Deya.
You can learn more about Deya, our cacao teacher, at: (

What is a cacao ceremony?

A Cacao ceremony is a fluid experience, evolving each time. It encompasses love, connection, and intention.

Love: Cacao's heart-opening properties promote circulation and sensory pleasure. Its compounds, like anandamide and theobromine, enhance mood and stimulate serotonin levels.

Connection: Cacao fosters closeness among participants, nurturing an atmosphere of kindness, respect, and love. Intentionally connecting with others, the medicine, and the space holder enhances the experience.

Intention: Participants set intentions, whether to manifest desires or release burdens. This deliberate focus guides the ceremony's energy. Personally, I aim to manifest positivity rather than disperse it.

The ceremony includes sharing, intention setting, space opening, and may involve life coaching or shamanic techniques like jungle chakapa healings or water blessings. There's no fixed formula; what matters is respecting the medicine, each other, and the process.

Experience and dedication refine the art of conducting Cacao ceremonies.