Embark on a transformative journey guided by the potent power songs of the Incan Empire and Shipibo lineage. These melodies, known as "icaros," are not just songs—they are ancient spells of magic channeled through esteemed "Muriyahs," the highest-ranking shamans deeply connected to the plant medicine Ayahuasca. Having witnessed firsthand the miraculous transformations brought by these icaros, I am devoted to share their profound healing potential.

Handed down through generations, these icaros possess unparalleled potency, addressing physical, mental, and emotional ailments with unmatched efficacy. Rooted in the deepest wisdom of indigenous traditions, they resonate with the very essence of the Earth, carrying the healing energy of the Amazon's ancient spirits.

As a steward of these traditions, I offer access to some of the world's most unique incantation icaros, each a testament to the healing power of this sacred lineage. During our sessions, you have the opportunity to experience the transformative effects of these icaros firsthand, as they work to restore balance and harmony to your body, mind, and spirit.