Naoki Nayati; the name I acquired through overcoming trials and tribulations.

The majority, if not all, of my adult life has been dedicated to studying various forms of shamanism from diverse backgrounds and tribes.

I've honed my skills in Curanderismo shamanism, learning from Mestizo and Shipibo shamans, here in the UK and mestizo shamans directly in the heart of the earth, The Amazon jungle, Peru.

Through extensive research and practice, particularly in working with medicinal plants like Ayahuasca, I discovered my purpose on this earth.
To be a Curandero, to undergo dietas, and to work with the spirit realm.
To connect, communicate, and sing with the plants. To speak their language and chant their songs.

I teach shamanism using a medicine wheel, guiding individuals and initiating them in to becoming respected "Mesa carriers". Through song and hands-on healing, I sing shipibo incantations for the sick and offer personalized healing sessions.

I also conduct plant medicine ceremonies featuring Cacao, Sananga, and Hapé, tailored to individual needs. After undergoing a mapacho tobacco dieta in Peru, I now offer full-body tobacco cleanses, healing, and blessings.

In 2020, I completed a life coaching diploma, deepening my understanding of human psychology and healing. This enhances my work and bridges the gap between Western medicine and Peruvian plant medicine.