Mesa Healing’s

  • Q'ero illumination healing is a form of energy medicine originating from the Q'ero people, who are indigenous to the Andes Mountains in Peru. This healing practice is rooted in the ancient wisdom and spiritual traditions of the Q'ero shamans.

    At its core, Q'ero illumination healing focuses on clearing energetic blockages, imbalances, or disturbances within an individual's energy field, known as the luminous energy field. The Q'ero tradition holds that disturbances in this field can lead to physical, emotional, or spiritual ailments.

    During a Q'ero illumination healing session, a practitioner works with the luminous energy field, often using intention, breathwork, prayer, and the assistance of spiritual allies or guides. They identify and release heavy energy or imprints that are believed to contribute to illness or imbalance.

    This process might involve the use of sacred tools such as stones, feathers, or other ceremonial objects, as well as techniques like blowing or sweeping to cleanse and restore the luminous energy field. The goal is to remove energetic blockages, extract dense energies, and restore harmony and balance to the individual's energy system.

    Q'ero illumination healing is often seen as a holistic approach that not only addresses physical symptoms but also aims to heal on emotional, mental, and spiritual levels. It is believed to promote overall well-being, vitality, and a sense of connection with one's higher self and the natural world.

  • Past life healing is a spiritual or therapeutic practice that involves exploring and addressing unresolved issues or traumas believed to have originated in previous lifetimes. The concept is rooted in the belief of reincarnation, where the soul undergoes multiple lifetimes, and experiences from past lives might impact the present.

    During past life healing sessions, practitioners guide individuals into a relaxed or meditative state to access subconscious memories or impressions that could be linked to past lives. These memories might surface as images, sensations, emotions, or even symbolic representations.

    The process involves exploring these past life memories or experiences to identify patterns, emotional wounds, or unresolved issues that might be affecting the individual's current life. Once these are identified, the practitioner facilitates a healing process that might involve visualization, energy work, regression therapy, or other modalities to release or resolve the impact of these past life experiences.

    The aim of past life healing is to bring about healing, understanding, and closure regarding recurring patterns, unexplained fears, phobias, relationships, or emotional struggles in the present life that might have their roots in past life experiences. By acknowledging and addressing these past life influences, individuals may experience a sense of relief, resolution, and a shift in their current life circumstances or emotional well-being.

  • Entity extraction, in a spiritual or energetic context, refers to the practice of identifying, removing, or releasing intrusive energies or entities that are perceived as negatively affecting an individual's well-being. These energies or entities are believed to be non-physical beings or attachments that can influence a person's mental, emotional, or spiritual state.

    Practitioners who specialize in entity extraction often work with individuals who report experiencing disturbances such as feeling drained, experiencing unexplained fears or emotions, or sensing the presence of unwanted energies.

    The process of entity extraction typically involves the practitioner entering a heightened state of awareness or altered consciousness, often using meditation, visualization, or ritualistic methods. They work to identify and confront these intrusive energies or entities.

    The extraction process may vary depending on the practitioner's approach and belief system. It often involves invoking protective energies or guides and using specific techniques to detach or remove these entities from the affected individual's energy field. This can include rituals, prayers, energy work, or visualization exercises to facilitate the release of these unwanted energies or entities.

    The goal of entity extraction is to help individuals reclaim their personal energy, restore balance, and alleviate the perceived negative influences caused by these intrusions. After the extraction process, individuals may feel a sense of relief, lightness, and an improvement in their emotional and mental well-being.

  • Soul retrieval is a profound spiritual practice deeply rooted in various indigenous cultures and shamanic traditions. It revolves around the belief that during times of trauma, intense stress, or significant life events, an individual's soul essence can fragment or dissociate as a coping mechanism to protect itself from the overwhelming experience.

    In this practice, a shaman or spiritual healer works as an intermediary between the physical and spiritual realms. They enter into altered states of consciousness through meditation, drumming, chanting, or other ritualistic methods to journey into the unseen realms.

    During this journey, the practitioner seeks out and locates these fragmented aspects of the individual's soul that have become disconnected or lost. This involves connecting with spiritual guides or energies and navigating through these realms to retrieve the missing soul parts.

    Once these fragmented aspects are found, the shaman or healer facilitates their return and reintegrates them into the individual's being. This reunion is often accompanied by rituals, ceremonies, or practices that provide healing, understanding, and closure for the person seeking soul retrieval.

    The goal of soul retrieval is to restore harmony, balance, and wholeness to the individual. By reclaiming these lost soul fragments, individuals may experience profound healing, a sense of completeness, increased vitality, and a restored connection to their authentic self.

    It's important to note that soul retrieval is deeply spiritual and may not align with all belief systems. However, for those who engage in this practice, it can be a transformative journey toward healing emotional wounds, reclaiming personal power, and integrating fragmented aspects of the self.

  • Cord cutting healing is a profound and transformative process that aims to sever energetic ties or connections between individuals, spaces, or past experiences. This therapeutic technique operates on the premise that we form energetic cords or attachments with people, situations, or emotions, which can impact our emotional and mental well-being.

    During a cord cutting healing session, practitioners often guide individuals through a meditative or visualization process. This involves identifying these energetic cords or attachments and consciously releasing their hold. This practice is not about severing relationships but about disentangling unhealthy or draining connections that may be impeding personal growth or causing emotional distress.

    The process typically involves deep introspection, guided visualization, and intention setting. Participants are encouraged to explore their emotions, acknowledge the impact of these connections, and then consciously release them. This release is accompanied by a sense of forgiveness, closure, and empowerment, enabling individuals to reclaim their personal energy and autonomy.

Who are the paqos?

Enter the mystical world of the Paqos, the revered Peruvian Q'ero Shamans nestled high in the majestic Andes of South America. For the past thirty years, they've captivated hearts and minds, known by various titles like Paqos, Shamans, Medicine Men/Women, Healers, Spiritual Beings, Shaman Priests, and High Elders. Their life is their craft, seamlessly blending ancient wisdom with daily existence.

Guided by prophecies and attuned to unseen realms, the Paqos possess a childlike curiosity, playing amidst the wonders of existence while tending to the earth and sharing tales of old.

Their understanding spans beyond the tangible world, embracing the cosmic dance of stars, moons, and all beings. In their presence, one glimpses the essence of living in harmony with the divine and the natural world. With the Paqos, the beauty of existence unfolds in a timeless melody.