The North Portal

As we approach the North portal of the Medicine Wheel, we have now shed old patterns and energies, we have already and will continue to create fertile ground for positive growth and transformation.

Here, we become aware of our life's trajectory and how daily choices impact us, others and the planet. With intention, we cultivate a purposeful life, sowing seeds of positivity. Positioned between generations, we consider our legacy and the wisdom we'll leave, what impact do we have on the world?.

Guided by the Hummingbird totem, we seek beauty and resilience.
We fly with the bird that defies the laws of physics, we break into the magic and joy and see wonder in the mundane.

Earth, the element of the North, brings life and emotional cleansing.

This mystical gateway brings enchantment to your wisdom journey. Working with the Hummingbird archetype and understanding the ‘soul retrieval’, you'll find healing.

Emotionally freeing ourselves from roles, we gain flight toward the future.

A vision quest connects you to yourself, the Q’ero and the elements.

Deep work with mesa teachings allows us to remember who we are.
Are you ready to step into your power?