Shamanism for beginners.

Right now you have everything you need to start your shamanic journey, you have a willingness to learn, and the inquisitiveness to seek new doorways.
A few things I would advise getting before you get started is:

  • Drum and/or Rattle

  • Journal

  • Bag to collect stones

  • A basic foraging book

  • A basic book about star consolations
    These are the utter basis and I will explain each thing now.

    Drums and rattles have been used for as long as shamanism has been around. They’re huge aspects of a shamans toolkit. Used for him/herself and healing on others.
    We’re going to start using the drum/rattle for shamanic journeying today.
    Shamanic journeying is a technique that is learned and mastered while being experienced and practiced. When a shaman journeys, they will hear and feel various things.
    Perception, clarity, and understanding deepen with each journey. You will develop a keener sense of awareness to emotions, feelings, and will learn how to accept what they see along each journey.
    Shamanic Journeying has been compared to playing a musical instrument as it takes much practice to effectively and successfully master the technique.

    Start by rattling or drumming to a beat, closing your eyes lightly, getting yourself into a nice relaxed state of mind, drum/rattle until you feel the urge to stop but I would say continue for minimum 10 minutes to start until you get used to it.
    Try keep your eyes closed, allow any vision to come to you. We can decipher these at a later date.
    Once you feel the urge to stop, then stop, open your eyes slowly and journal what you received. It may be information for someone else. It may be information for you, it may be confusing right now but go with it, as you deepen into it it gets easier and easier and you can interpret the visions better.
    For now check in books for interpretations or on the internet if you don’t have animal books yet.

    This is to take down any notes you may have from your journeying sessions with the drum/rattle and to also keep on you during the day and write down any “synchronicity’s” you may find.
    Synchronicities are not just coincidences meant to surprise and delight us (although they can definitely do that). Rather, spiritual synchronicities are strategically orchestrated and perfectly aligned to deliver a message, provide guidance, or provide reassurance that we're on the right path.

    This is important, for me I started with a little leather pouch my friend hand made me.
    I collected maybe 10 stones at the start over the course of a few weeks. The stones will call you, you’ll know you need it when you need it. I gathered some from assaulting the beaches in France re-enacting the D-Day beach assault with the army and they have stayed with me my entire shamanic journey and are used as some of my most powerful healing tools to date.
    These stones represent things for you, I.E protection, Courage, Abundance, Wealth, Prosperity etc. Keep these on you all the time and open them and expose them to air whenever you’re doing your practices.
    Remember to clean them using Salt water on a full moon as this keeps any bad energy away.

    These go hand in hand perfectly. What these books do is get you outside for one. Many old shamans I know they spend most of their day outside or on the land of some sort. Some even live in remote areas of the amazon jungle. They forage, they make relationships with the plans, mushrooms, and animals that eat both.
    By spending time in nature you’ll get a better understanding of how the world works, you’ll get a deeper connection with spirit, with mother earth and most importantly with yourself.
    If you can camp out on the land, away from normal campsites, off the beaten track with little to no light solution your perspective on planet earth will change.
    What we are doing here is helping you find who you really are, and connect with the energies that actually matter.
    By forging, watching the stars and learning, being away from westernised culture you’ll not only find yourself but you’ll be able to help others find themselves too.
    Shaman are not only magic, but they’re just normal farmers, builders, and parents. There’s a time and a place for both… some of my best lessons were away from psychedelics, the drums and the rattle.
    The best lessons I got was from sitting and watching the universe pass me by, while I sat still on a floating rock through space.
    All that takes is energy.
    Be the shaman you want to be today!

    Next up is “The shamans vision quest”

    Much Love


Norse Shamanism.