Norse Shamanism.

Norse Shamanism: Unveiling "Seidr"

Norse Shamanism, commonly referred to as "Seidr," intricately weaves the threads of magic, fate, and new possibilities. Central to Seidr was the art of perceiving the destined course of events and interweaving novel occurrences. The approach varied depending on the desired outcomes, involving the entrancement of the "seer" through drumming and chanting. Guided by these rhythms, the seer embarked on a trance-like journey, traversing the nine realms and passing the mighty Yggdrasil tree. Through this voyage, vital insights were garnered and then brought back to the earthly realm.

In certain realms of Norse shamanism, the belief persisted that offering sacrifices of humans, animals, and living creatures would prompt divine favor in return. Shamans would venture to locate these offerings – be it through volunteers or not – for those who did so selflessly were granted a place in Valhalla, the esteemed warriors' hall. The shaman would bestow blessings, etch symbols with the blood of the latest sacrifice, and channel spells and rituals to ensure a safe passage into the afterlife.

Over time, shamanism evolved, embracing a broader spectrum of practices. Shamans engaged in fortune-telling with runes and Ogham, a script characterized by more profound meanings than mere letters. These symbols, akin to the runic alphabet, not only represented letters but also held deeper insights. They were employed for divination, guidance-seeking, and etched onto weaponry and adornments, conferring protection, wealth, and abundance.

In my upcoming blog, "Shamanism for Beginners," I will share tasks and fundamental principles to introduce you to the realm of shamanism. This guide will furnish you with the basics of what shamanism entails and how to embark on your journey.

With heartfelt wishes,

Naoki 🤍


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Shamanism for beginners.