The East Portal

The Medicine Wheel's cycle finds its conclusion in the East, where the rising sun signifies fresh beginnings, but also endings. The end of the darkness and the return to the light. The end of the student and start of the teacher. The end of inability to cope with the struggles and pressures of life, the start of a tool shed full of teachings ready to conquer anything that comes in your path.

This direction embodies rejuvenation and renewal. Here, we align with our inner calling, transcending what we thought possible to understand how we can enrich the world with our unique gifts.

In this portal, we connect with the wisdom of Spirit, The luminous beings, the Divine Creator, God, or whatever else you want to call the flow of infinite intelligence. This connection allows us to perceive our purpose and life from a higher perspective, much like gazing down from a mountaintop or through the eyes of the eagle & condor.
Guiding us through this journey is the majestic Eagle & condor, which soars gracefully through the sky while keenly focusing on the world below.

The East is connected with Air, the realm of consciousness, understanding, and spirituality.

In the embrace of Air, we experience expansion carried by the winds. Here, we contemplate the concept of time and the mysterious realm beyond its boundaries. This sacred space is where all aspects of existence merge, and limitations fade away.

This is the realm of interconnectedness, Wholeness, Wild and free.

This portal pushes us into alignment, it empowers us to journey towards our future selves, anchoring a foundation of purpose and vision.

Within this realm, we encounter the future, and rewrite its script.

You'll also gain insight into severing energetic ties, freeing yourself from the constraints of outdated bonds.

The Q'ero prophecies materialize as you become a vital catalyst for harmony, love and gratitude in the emerging new world.

From the east, you go on to teach the medicine wheel if you feel called to do so.

You’re now walking in alignment with your true self, standing fully in your power working through all that surfaces for you, you’re sitting in the middle of the medicine wheel, working directly with all archetypes as and when the moments arise, going round and round until your last breath.

Spread your wings and fly.
Make this journey your own.
Embrace your own students.
Share knowledge and these teachings to the world.
The new world is emerging and we are at the forefront of its existence.