What is shamanism?

In essence, shamanism is a harmonious fusion of mediumship and herbalism. This intricate practice finds its roots in indigenous tribes spanning the globe, from the northern reaches of Europe and Siberia (where its origins are believed to lie) to the deep recesses of the Amazon rainforest. Central and South American tribes, desert-dwellers in Australia, and the expansive Serengeti plains of Africa have all nurtured their own unique brands of shamanism for millennia. The shaman archetype embodies roles like the "Wise Man/Woman," the "Healer," the "Seer," and the "Medicine Man/Woman," occasionally even conjuring associations with terms like "Witch" or "Bruho." Variations in practices and beliefs abound across different cultures and regions, and modern iterations can be challenging to differentiate from authentic practices.

Contemporary shamanism often intersects with newer interpretations, making it difficult to discern the true essence of "Authentic Shamanism." Some modern "shamans" focus on entheogenic substances, while the traditional shaman rarely relied on such substances. While it's true that certain cultures harnessed locally sourced narcotics for visionary purposes, most engaged in astral travel and healing while completely sober. The foundation of my shamanic journey was laid with the mantra: "If you can't conduct this work in sobriety, you shouldn't be doing it at all."

Shamans often employ handmade drums or rattles to connect with animals and spirits, retrieving vital information. Genuine shamans upholding age-old traditions are rare in the world today. A few, like the "Paqos" in the Andes, endure. Venture deep into unexplored pockets of the Amazon, Africa, Australia, or Siberia, and you might encounter them. However, these authentic practitioners often come with a substantial financial cost due to the trappings of the monetary world we inhabit today.

Among all the plant medicine I've encountered, the most profound healing experience transpired in a state of utter sobriety. Under the starry expanse, within a square delineated by rocks, I embarked on a shamanic journey guided by my teacher. Without shelter or sustenance, I spent the night engaged in rattling and singing, forging connections with archetypal energies. This experience shattered my preconceived notions about interdimensional exploration. Throughout that evening, my paradigms were dismantled not once, twice, or even thrice, but four times. You can delve into this transformative episode in the "The North" blog.

And thus, we conclude our exploration of "What is shamanism?" Should you have further inquiries, don't hesitate to reach out via email or messages. Next on our journey: "Shamanism Near Me."

With love,

Naoki 🤍


The Shaman’s Vision Quest


Shamanism near me.